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LibreNMS Integration Guide – VictorOps

LibreNMS is an auto-discovering PHP/MySQL-based network monitoring system. This integration allows you to send all your LibreNMS alerts into VictorOps so you can make use of all that VictorOps has to offer.

In VictorOps

In VictorOps, select  Integrations, then search for LibreNMS under the 3rd Party Integrations tab

If the integration has not yet been enabled, click the “Enable Integration” button to generate your endpoint URL as seen below.  Be sure to replace the “$routing_key” section with the actual routing key you intend to use. (To view or configure route keys in VictorOps, click Alert Behavior >> Route Keys)


In LibreNMS

From the main dashboard select Settings (Gear Icon) and then Global Settings.


Select Alerting Settings.


Find the VictorOps option and paste in your VictorOps “Post URL”. To test the integration hit Test transport.



A test LibreNMS incident will be sent into your VictorOps timeline.


And you are done! If you have any questions please reach out to victorops-support@splunk.com.

Updated on October 9, 2019

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